Friday, September 26, 2008

island of lost souls

actually, not worth seeing
i donno what's wrong with me watching it till the end....

scorpion king 2

boring and obvious

iron man

i really liked this one - because of the good way the technology was presented. and it was enjoyable.

2012 Doomsday

i usually try to discard christian themes as i do with all other fiction. but this one really suxx. no moment goes by without an atheist "converted" by a true cristian.
not recommended for people, capable of thinking

most wanted

really nice action movie. not boring

dark knight

at first i thought that that would be just an other batman movie, but i was convinced by an other youtube user to try it. it was better they any other batman movie i've seen. but this is not that difficult, as all the other batman movies really sucked

Monday, June 30, 2008

the eye

nice film with normal music
there isn't much more about it though.. the main character looks good ...
but the plot.... well, as there was said in the film itself, "i see dead people" is not a new conception